covering hiding outdoor AC unit

Tips for Properly Covering or Hiding Outdoor AC Unit, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some general themes to keep in mind if you’re looking to hide or cover your outdoor AC unit. A vital part of your HVAC system, some homeowners choose to protect the outdoor AC unit from risks like theft, damage or others that could take place.

At Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric, we’re here to help with a wide range of AC service needs, from air conditioning replacement and repair to distinct areas like this one. Whether you want to protect the AC unit from theft, keep it safe from potential damage or any other purpose, we’ll assist you with the proper coverage that does not impact the unit’s operational quality. Today’s part two of our series will go over a few of the common formats homeowners use for outdoor AC unit protection.

Utilizing Existing Plants

In many cases, especially if your main goal is to restrict the unit from sight and make it less attractive to potential burglars, you can simply utilize existing plants and greenery on your property. There are several large plant varieties you might choose to place around the AC unit as a visual barrier.

This theme brings both aesthetics and protection to the area. You can choose great-looking plants that will complement the surroundings, for one, but plants will also allow great air flow when protected an AC unit, a vital factor we went over in part one. Make sure you keep these plants trimmed to just above the height of the unit so there are no problems with future access.

Fencing or Pallets

In other cases, property owners may choose to erect an actual fence or barrier to conceal their AC unit. Lattice fences are common here, allowing for basic protection while also leaving air flow wide open. If you already have an existing fence near the unit, you might be able to utilize one or two sides of it here.

Others may use pallets for this similar purpose. This is especially cost-effective if you already have pallets around.

Privacy Screen

For those who want to go a step further, you may consider purchasing an actual privacy screen for the AC unit. These screens are usually waterproof, which means they can remain in the area throughout the year, and can easily be removed when needed for access. These can be found at various home improvement stores.

Window Units

A quick note for those utilizing window AC units: Many of the same themes we’ve gone over here may apply. Utilizing plants is a great way to keep these units covered, while some others may look to create their own miniature enclosures where possible.

For more on protecting your outdoor AC unit, or to learn about any of our HVAC or plumbing services, speak to the staff at Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric today.