
Art depicting idea of plumbers working on main sewer line

There are a few different clog or blockage types that are possible within a given plumbing system, and they are not all created equal. And on the more severe end of the spectrum here, at least in most cases, is a clog or blockage in your home’s main sewer line.

At Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electrical, our plumbing services include a wide range of solutions for main sewer line issues, including sewer line cleaning and trenchless sewer line repair. While many homeowners have dealt with a basic toilet clog or some other simple drain blockage issue, the main sewer line is an entirely different animal. This two-part blog series will dig into what makes sewer line clogs different from others, plus what causes them and how you can recognize their potential signs.

Sewer Clog Vs. Standard Clogs

So why are sewer line clogs different from a basic toilet backup or something else you can handle with a plunger? Well, because the sewer line is the central one that connects all the other main plumbing lines in your home.

A single clog in a sink drain, toilet or some other area can usually be remedied simply enough, whether via a plunger, drain snake or some other tool. During main sewer line backups, however, every drain in your home can become blocked all at once as the main system floods, leading to major concerns that typically can’t be solved so easily.

Our next few sections will dig into the common causes of main sewer line clogs and backups, plus how they can be avoided so you don’t run into these issues.

Tree Root Concerns

As the home’s primary feeder to the municipal sewer system, your main sewer line typically runs out of your house and through your back yard in piping below the ground’s surface. In cases where your sewer line is damaged in any way, or even in some situations where it isn’t, tree roots from nearby trees may grow into the area and even directly into the pipes as they reach out in search of water sources. This blocks the flow of wastewater, and the issue only increases with time as the roots expand.

For this reason, it’s important to understand where your main sewer line is and manage tree roots in the area. If you’re considering planting new trees, know your sewer line location and avoid it entirely.

Toilet Usage and Items Flushed

Another possible cause of main sewer line blockage: Materials being flushed down the toilet that do not belong there. This includes literally anything other than human waste and toilet paper, even certain wipes listed as “flushable” on the packaging – you still shouldn’t flush these. Toilet paper is made to break down within sewer lines and avoid clogging risks, which is why it’s the only approved material to flush other than your own waste.

For more on clogs in your main sewer line, or to learn about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, speak to the staff at Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electrical today.

With September now in swing, Utah homeowners can see the outlines of fall making its way into town. And as those who have lived here for years are well aware, the fall period often doesn’t last long before it gives way to winter, meaning it’s important to prepare the home in a few vital areas, namely plumbing, before the freeze hits.

At Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric, we’re here to help. Our various plumbing services, from water heater repair or replacement to drain cleaning, water filtration and many others, will help prepare you for the upcoming winter as needed, with expert plumbers on hand who can spot any issues that might be problematic once the temperatures drop. Here are several areas we recommend taking a close look at this time of year, including several where our team is happy to assist you.

Hoses and Outside Faucets

One of the primary areas to ensure you’ve got covered is protecting any water source that could risk freezing during the winter, and outside hoses and faucets are a good example. If any water is left in such hoses, it can freeze and expand, damaging the hoses themselves as well as faucets and connecting pipes.

Ensure all water is removed from these areas and these hoses are turned off. Make sure there are no drips or leaks in these areas – our pros can assist with basic repairs if there are. If your home has interior shut-off valves that lead to these outdoor faucets, close them and drain all water from these lines.

Insulation and Sealing

Another anti-freezing technique to consider, both in exterior areas and throughout the home, is insulation. Cover all outdoor faucets with an insulation kit, the kind you can buy at any home improvement store. In addition, consider insulating your pipes in unheated areas of the home where freezing within the pipes might be a concern.

Down similar lines, seal off any leaks around your doors or windows. This will stop cold air from making its way into the home.

Water Heater Maintenance

The water heater will do a lot of work during the upcoming winter, so it’s good to prepare it. Flush it out and remove any sediment buildup – our team can help if you require it. We’ll also assist you with testing the water heater’s pressure release valve, plus replacing it if it’s gone faulty since last winter. Finally, ensure the temperature is set right around 120 degrees Fahrenheit for the best performance.

Gutters and Downspouts

Ensure your outdoor gutters and downspouts are cleared and clean in preparation for winter drainage. This kind of drainage is vital due to water freezing risks, which can pose a danger if water is draining improperly and remaining on or near the structure.

For more on how to prepare your home’s plumbing for the upcoming winter, or to learn about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, speak to the staff at Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electric today.