concerns solutions excessive water pressure

Concerns and Solutions Associated With Excessive Water Pressure

When it comes to water pressure within a home plumbing system, most of the complaints you see are regarding pressure that’s too low. No one wants to shower or clean dishes with weak water pressure, and those in these situations are always looking for ways to increase their capacity.

At Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electrical, we’re here to assist with water pressure as part of our varied plumbing contractor services – but we’re also here to warn you about the dangers of water pressure that’s too high, not just too low. Some homeowners gloss over these risks in their efforts to obtain the highest pressure possible, but we’re here to ensure you understand the full scope. Here are some basics on the risks of inflated water pressure, the general pressure recommendations we offer and some signs your pressure is too high.

Risks of Inflated Water Pressure

So what are the major risks of water pressure that’s too high? There are two primary areas:

  • Cost increases: For one, many people don’t realize how much water they’re wasting by using excessively high water pressure. For every 10 minutes of water use, high pressure can waste between 5 and 25 gallons of water, which in turn can have a major impact on your water bill each month.
  • Damage: In addition, pressure that’s too high stresses the home’s plumbing system. It can lower the lifespan of various fixtures and appliances, and can create cracking and breakage risks in pipes due to wearing them down over time.

General Pressure Recommendations

So where is the optimal range for your system in terms of water pressure? The general ideal range for most home plumbing appliances and systems will be between 45 and 55 pounds per square inch of pressure, or PSI. If your system is set to greater than 60 PSI, you begin opening yourself up to the risks we detailed above.

Signs Pressure is Too High

Here are a few signs that might indicate your pressure is too high:

  • Faucet leak: If you notice the faucet leaks only at certain times of day or only when certain other plumbing fixtures are in use, this is a telltale sign that water pressure is an issue.
  • Banging pipes: Another common sign of high water pressure is banging pipes, which are caused by water moving through pipes with too much force and banging them around.
  • Running toilet: A rarer sign is a toilet that runs continuously even when not in use.

If you notice any of these signs, contact our plumbers right away for an assessment.

PRV Installation

Our team might offer several potential solutions if your water pressure is too high, and a featured possibility here is called a pressure reducing valve, or PRV. This item automatically reduces incoming water pressure to the proper range, helping save you huge sums on your water bill while also increasing the lifespan of your pipes and appliances. Our plumbers will inform you if a PRV is a logical option for your home.

For more on handling excessive water pressure concerns in your home’s plumbing system, or to learn about any of our plumbing or HVAC services, speak to the staff at Action Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electrical today.